Why was my account banned?

Here at Curtsy, we care about our community and our #1 goal is to always make sure our users, you, are feeling safe and comfortable on the platform. This not only means being respectful and responsible in your communications (DMs, item descriptions, etc.) but also following some of the rules we set in place to help keep our community and app safe and fun.

It’s possible you were banned for one of the reasons below. If you have any questions, please reach out to customer support:

  • Inappropriate language (including hate speech, etc.) in a DM, chat, comment or item description
  • You solicited payment/transactions off the app (eg. Venmo, Instagram DM, etc.)
  • You are under 16 years old
  • You are sharing your personal phone number to solicit off the app
  • You are sharing other websites or closets to other apps
  • You were unable to verify your identity via phone #
  • You were unable to provide proof of purchase on rejected luxury items
  • You might have made a second account to take advantage of our contests, giveaways or promotional codes. (We only allow one account per user.)

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